How to open DMG files?
DMG file represents disk image format commonly found on Mac OSX. This format allows secure password protection as well as file compression and hence serves both security and file distribution functions. Its most common function is the distribution of software over the Internet. When opened, DMG files are "mounted" as a drive within the Finder.
DMG files are Mac-specific and are not intended for use in Windows; however, Windows Daemon Tools may be able to mount virtual drives from some DMG image files; other utilities may also be able to convert DMG files to a format that can be recognized by Windows.
Open DMG file on Mac OS
Open DMG file on Windows
PowerISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount these files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD-ROM image files, including ISO, BIN, DAA, UIF, and DMG files. If you have PowerISO, you will own ISO extractor, ISO converter, ISO burner, ISO creator and virtual drive.
On Windows PC, you can use PowerISO to process the DMG files. With PowerISO, you can:
- Extract the files and folders in dmg files
- Burn the dmg file to a CD or DVD disk
- Convert dmg file to standard ISO file.
Please do the following steps.
Run MagicISO
Click menu "File" | "Open"
Choose DMG file and click Ok.
- Click
to extract files and folder from DMG files.