JPG File
JPG file is a commonly used photo file format.
File extension JPG is related to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image file format. It is mostly used for bitmap images (photos, pictures, etc.).
Image files that employ JPEG compression are commonly called JPEG files. Most image capture devices (such as digital cameras) and most image editing software programs that output JPEG files are actually creating a file in the JFIF and/or Exif format.
The most common filename extensions for files employing JPEG compression are .jpg and .jpeg, though .jpe, .jfif and .jif are also used. It is also possible for JPEG data to be embedded in other file types - TIFF encoded files often embed a JPEG image as a thumbnail of the main image.
These instructions are for opening a file with a name ending in .jpg. JPG is a graphics file format. When the file is opened, you should see a picture.
Double click on the file.
If the jpg file is attached to an e-mail you should be able to click twice in quick succession on the file name or file icon inside the e-mail. If it's saved on the computer, you'll need to navigate to it's location, then double click on it.
If the jpg file didn't open right away, you will be presented with a window asking what program you what to open the jpg file with. To the right of open with there will probably be a browse button. Click on the browse button.
You can also right-click on the jpg file, and choose Open With>>>Choose Program....
Choose a program you want to use to open the file from the list.
All internet browsers will open jpg files. You are reading this now using an internet browser. Some common browser names are Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Converting bitmap to jpg is very easy with Image Converter Plus. Select file you want to convert in Windows Explorer and right click on it. You'll see a preview of file and will be able to select format you want to convert to.
Click on Convert to JPG. Program window will open.
Switch to Script tab if you need to make any changes in file.
You can convert several files at a time and apply the same effects to all files.
Windows ICO extension files, commonly called "icon files," allow you to display small pictures along with file names for easier file identification on the Windows desktop. While Windows comes with some stock ICO files, the stock library is not very extensive, and many users run out of distinct icon choices for desktop items. Even though stock image editing programs like Microsoft Paint do not allow users to save image files as ICO files, conversion from JPG to ICO format is possible over the Internet.
Step 1
Use image editing software such as Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paint Shop Pro to crop the JPG file so it is square. It is possible to convert rectangular images into icons, but it is not recommended. If you use a rectangular image, the resultant icon will be distorted since the rectangle will be stretched or squished into a perfect square shape during file conversion.
Step 2
Right-click on the JPG file you want to change into an ICO file, and then select properties.
In the properties window, look under the File Size heading to make sure the JPG image is less than 100Kb in size. If the file is over 100Kb, you'll need to reopen an image editor and shrink the image size until the saved file takes up less than 100Kb of space. Images over 100Kb are not easily converted without downloading special software, so it's best to avoid such large JPG files whenever possible.
Step 3
Go to web page. This online converter is preferred because it allows you to make icon files from smaller JPG files without installing any new programs onto your computer.
Step 4
Click Browse. A new window will open.
Step 5
Browse your computer's files until you've located the JPG image you want to make into an icon. On most computers, JPG images are found in the My Pictures folder, unless you manually saved your JPG file to a different directory.
Step 6
Click on to select the JPG file and then click Open.
Step 7
Click the hyperlinked text reading Convert to ICO. A dialogue box will open asking if you want to Save or Open the file. Click Save and select a location on your hard drive to save the newly created icon file.
Universal Document Converter is the most complete solution for the conversion of documents into JPEG, TIFF or other graphical files. The underlying basis of Universal Document Converter is the technology of virtual printing. As a result, converting documents from PDF to JPEG format is not any more complicated than printing on a desktop printer.
Please follow this manual to start converting of PDF documents.
Step 1
Download and install Universal Document Converter software onto your computer.
Step 2
Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader and press File->Print... in the application main menu:
Step 3
Select Universal Document Converter from the printers list and press Properties button.
Step 4
On the settings panel, click Load Properties.
Step 5
Use the Open dialog to select "PDF to JPEG.xml" and click Open.
Step 6
Press OK in Acrobat's Print dialog to start converting. When the JPEG file is ready, it will be saved to the My Documents\UDC Output Files folder by default.
Step 7
The converted document will then be opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer software or another viewer associated with JPEG files on your computer.